Who I am, why I’m here, and what my goal is

To start off, I’m Jef. I’m the guy running this ragtag operation. I’ve played MapleStory on and off for about 12 years. In that time, I’ve become involved with many different communities, but one of the most memorable was the Hidden Street forums and the guild.

From a few members of the guild came a podcast about Maple news — Aqua Road Radio (ARR). I loved this podcast back in the day, and have always wanted to listen to it again. However, the site that they used to host their audio files is now defunct, and no copies exist online.

Until now.

I posted a thread in r/lostmedia about it, and there was some interest in the topic as well as a few possible leads. However, it never got me any tangible results. Until, well…. now. Again.

u/SmokeyWizard messaged me (and also posted a thread) with a Google Drive link with episodes 5, 15, and 17. I’m working on getting those on YouTube now. I’ll make posts for them when they’re up.

If you have any leads or episodes, please use the Contact Me page to send me an email and I’ll be in touch ASAP. Thanks so much.



Episode 5 – The Best of Times, The Worst of Times