An overdue update.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been lazy about things lately. I can talk about my mental health and lockdown and covid and how everything has negatively affected my motivation, but to me, it really just feels like excuses. Whatever. I feel like I have enough to make up for it (maybe).

First thing’s first, I’m uh…. out of money. The website is going to go back to the free domain (here).

Secondly, I made a subreddit. It seems like a decent idea to try and consolidate the community a little better. It’ll also probably help spread the word.

I’ve been uploading more of the episodes to YouTube, and hope to have the rest uploaded by the end of February. I’ve been taking it easy on the rendering because it’s apparently god awful for this PC.

Still hunting for the last 3 episodes (18, 19, 20). Hoping to have them by the end of the year. By the way… if you know anything about SEO, could you contact me? I’m having trouble finding my own shit online.

Happy new year?


I’m still here (kinda)


Massive news.